2020-2021 Mini-Grants
FES - Summer Reading Celebration
Due to the unique circumstances of starting remotely this school year, Fairview Elementary School was unable to celebrate the summer readers in a school-wide assembly like is usually done each year. Thanks to the Fairview School Foundation, FES was able to host Doctor Sparks, a professional storyteller, who led a virtual celebration for the entire school. Doctor Sparks interacted with six students (Hailey Bridgen (K), Sephina Snoke (1st) Lucy Mondy (1st), Carter Snoke (2nd), Trey Mondy (3rd), & Gavin Bridgen (4th)) and led them through a 30 minute livestream, using his typewriter to write a spooky story that they collaborated on together. A professional illustrator, Cecilia Olivera-Hillway, drew illustrations to match these stories during this live chat as well. This entire experience was the perfect tie-in to our summer reading theme, which was “Imagine Your Story”. Being that the entire event was live-streamed, all students could enjoy the experience at home with their families in a safe environment. It was a fun and memorable experience for all!
The Foundation funded this project with EITC donations.

Speech and Debate Team - Extemp Genie
Extemp Genie is a subscription software program that gathers research on many subject areas and organizes them in a way that facilitates speech preparation for students competing in current events competitions such as Extemporaneous Speaking, Debate and Student Congress. At some tournaments, internet access is not permitted. Extemp Genie will be especially helpful at such tournaments. The Foundation is glad to be able to help the Speech and Debate students prepare effectively for their competitions.
All-Grade Levels - Touchless Spot Vision Screener
The Fairview School Foundation, along with the District and a grant from the Lions Club, were able to purchase a Welch Allyn Spot-Vision Screener. This device besides being touchless, will enhance the nurse's ability to screen student's vision and determine deficiencies that they were unable to before. This device will be shared between all three buildings so that we can screen all of our students with this updated technology.

FES - Kindergarten Readiness Kits
The Foundation is proud once again to be able to purchase Kindergarten readiness kits for all of our new “Tigers” that will be starting school in the fall. These kits have great information and skill-building tools that students and parents can work on together to ensure a successful start to their career at Fairview. The kits include a usable draw-string bag, magnetic numbers and letters, scissors, a book about Kindergarten, crayons, a book of construction paper, and useful information about the Kindergarten teachers and other staff, as well as policies, procedures, and expectations at Fairview Elementary School.
The Foundation funded this project through EITC donations.

FHS - Digital Artist's Toolbox
With our continuous movement toward providing students with the most relevant tools to give them an advantage in their future careers, the Apple pencil has been introduced into our art curriculum. The Apple pencil is used in fundamentals of art, drawing and painting, digital art, animation, and photography classes. Providing a second classroom set of pencils allows more students the opportunity to use this tool. We are continuously adding more iPad creations into our curriculum, and having the pencil enhances the artistic experience in each class - the pencil has taken working on the iPads to a new level and allows our students to create more professional work. The introduction of the Apple pencil allows our students to turn their iPad into a digital canvas. With the enhanced pressure sensitivity and pinpoint accuracy, drawing with the pencil on the glass of the iPad offers the student a relevant experience in digital art that will allow them to successfully translate the skills to any career in art or a life-long hobby that relates to art.
The Foundation funded this project through EITC donations.
FES - Supporting Virtual Literacy for Early Learners
This project is supporting 50-100 remote and quarantined students. The goal of this project is to provide appropriate materials to deliver virtual instruction to our K, 1, and 2 students. Currently at FES, our curriculum utilizes two key sets of materials to promote phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, and handwriting. For phonemic awareness we use Heggerty. This is a daily program that guides learners to be able to identify and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words. For phonics and handwriting we use Wilson Fundations. This is also a daily program. It is a multisensory and systematic phonics, spelling, and handwriting program that benefits all K-2 students. Wilson Fundations and Heggerty are key to developing our youngest learners. Virtual learners need to use the same materials that our in person learners are using, so that all students are treated equitably. Supporting Virtual Literacy for Early Learners will help FSD keep all our early learners on track by using the same terminology and materials.
The Foundation funded this project through EITC donations.
FES - 4th grade Puberty & Hygiene Seminar
The elementary school nurse asked the Foundation for a grant to assist with the 4th grade Puberty and Hygiene Seminar by providing each 4th grade student, both boys and girls, with a travel sized deodorant to take home and the development of a follow-up activity for the 4th grade girls. The follow-up activity will use The Period Game, which is a board game designed for girls ages 6 and up, to reinforce the lesson on menstruation. The follow-up activity will be voluntary and will be held before school. Each girl who participates will receive a snack and a sticker to take home.
FES - "Who Was...?" biography book series for library
The Library/Media Center of Fairview Elementary School was awarded a mini-grant to fund the purchase of additional copies and titles belonging to the "Who Was…?" book series, published by Penguin Random House, Penguin Young Readers. Information about the series and additional related series, titles and the publisher can be found at http://www.whowasbookseries.com/. These books are literary nonfiction titles. They are biographies written for elementary aged students. The series features a diverse selection of historic and contemporary leaders, artists, writers and inventors. Prior to the grant, the collection offered 73 titles. There are more than 150 titles available, including several newly published titles that are now accessible to our students.
The specific purpose of these additions to our collection is to collaborate with the 3rd grade ELA team on the annually held Wax Museum research project, which will be virtual this year. All third grade students participate in an end of year research project and presentation on an influential person from the United States or world history. The students begin the project by choosing a "Who Was…?" book from the Library/Media Center’s collection. Then, following the specifications of the classroom teacher, read, research and create an oral presentation on the chosen subject. Expanding our selection of titles and adding additional copies of some of the most requested subjects, is in line with our goal of offering students a large and diverse selection of titles and collaborating with classroom teachers. Additional copies of the most popular subjects eliminates the need for multiple students to share a single copy of a book. Expanding the selection of titles has offered students a greater variety of subjects, allowing them to explore a wider range of individuals and create unique projects.
FHS - Biology & Chemistry Lab Supplies
High School Science teacher, Ms. Christine Groff has been awarded a grant through the Fairview School Foundation to purchase sensors and probes for her Biology and Chemistry courses. These cutting edge tools bring the science material to life. And when the students can experience these unique labs first hand, a better understanding of the material is achieved.
The Foundation funded this project through EITC donations.

FES - Kleenslate whiteboards for
Character Strong program
Mr. Craig Lewis was awarded a mini-grant from the Foundation to purchase a classroom set of Kleenslate whiteboards for the Character Strong specials rotation. These boards will have an impact on the classroom in a variety of ways. They will offer a means of immediate feedback for students to display to both instructor and class. The dual purpose of a blank board on one side and a customizable slot on the opposite side also provides the instructors the ability to cut down on paper use for Character Strong projects. The Kleenslate boards also have the advantage of having everything attached to them, so they will be easy to transport and sanitize between classes.
FHS - Memory Project – Drawing and Painting
The Memory Project is a charity organization that allows art teachers and students to make portraits for youth around the world who may have been neglected, lost a parent, involved with violence, or lives in extreme poverty. This project is a great way for some of Fairview High School’s best artists to use their talents to benefit others and to show kindness. The organization will send the art teacher both a physical print and a digital image of a child. The art student will draw or paint that child’s portrait. It will then be sent back to the organization where they will hand deliver the finished portrait to the child. The art student will receive a video record of the event. This project is meant to help these impoverished children to feel valued and important – it also allows our students to become more empathetic and aware of what life can be like outside our small town. The Foundation is proud and excited once again to participate in a small act of kindness that can bring a difference to a child in another part of the world.