One goal for the Tiger Trail is to clearly label paths whether it be by the use of signs or markings on the ground of pathways. These markers will be used to clearly label paths through the Tiger Trail by making sections of the trail that connect multiple paths together more apparent.
Current State and Future
Currently, the Tiger Trail consists of a trail head by the section of woods at the Avonia Road portion of the trail, several pathways connecting around the school, and a few outdoor classrooms. Many projects have been constructed on the Tiger Trail including the outdoor classroom, refinishing the observation deck, blue bird and bat houses, the middle school courtyard classroom, signs along the trail, and several Earth Action projects. However, the trail is far from complete. Two key things the Tiger Trail is striving to achieve is to be a community trail for passive recreation and to link schools to recreational and educational opportunities.

Trail Markings

New Pathways
Another major goal for the Tiger Trail is expanding the trail by creating new walkways from one part of the trail to another. This could be done by building sidewalks in certain areas of the trail. One such place would be through the area of grass in front of the middle school to connect the trail to the sidewalk for pedestrian use. Another major place where a walkway for the trail could be placed would be next to the middle school parking lot which will be used to connect the middle school walkways to the path leading up to the elementary school and high school with a small gap in the trail for access to the parking lot. Along the side of that pathway, trees could be planted to finish the look.


Clearing Dense Undergrowth
Clearing dense undergrowth on the trail will open it up more for use in creating walkways through the trail system. Walkways can be made through these new areas of opened up space which will increase accessibility. Also, clearing dense areas of undergrowth will clean up areas such as the outdoor classroom which has much undergrowth around it. Finally, clearing it will allow better use of the trail for educational and recreational purposes since less undergrowth will allow people to see further into the woods or better access areas of the trail which were previously inaccessible.

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