AP Biology students practiced genetically engineering bacteria by inserting the True Blue plasmid into E. coli. Sofia Ortiz demonstrates her micropipetting skills. Amani Thomas spreads bacteria on a petri dish. Theo Nacopolous and Gurjap Singh record their results.

Students in Ms. Nelson’s American Studies 9 classes practice geography skills related to the Old West. They chose various methods such as completing physical puzzles, labeling a giant map, using atlases, and engaging with online map tools that provided instant feedback.

Ten students represented Fairview Middle School at the PJAS Region 10 Meet on January 27 at Penn State Behrend. As part of PJAS (Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science), these students presented their research findings to a panel of judges. Students who were awarded First Place Awards are eligible to present at the State Meet held at Penn State University in May.

Erie Experience classes attended Mercyhurst University's Day in Humanities field trip last Friday. The students got to explore the majors of the humanities department, received a tour of the campus and enjoyed lunch courtesy of Mercyhurst.

The Erie Experience classes heard a presentation from Mercyhurst University employee, Christian Beyer, on the history and evolution of Mercyhurst University through the years. The presentation preceded a planned field trip to the campus the following day.

The FMS Robotics Team hosted a booth at the first annual FES STEM Night on January 25th. Robotics members shared information with guests about their season, their robot, and their project. Thank you to FES for inviting the team to show the littlest tigers what robotics is all about!

Career Exploration students had their final project presentations. For the project, students researched their current career plan. They looked at data including wages, employment outlook, and total cost of education/training. With the data, they created infographics that showed visualizations of the data.

Mrs. Huggler’s ELA class began their unit on Law and Order by learning about Trial Systems from History. They enjoyed acting out the different types of trials and in the end the class favored trial by ordeal and trial by combat. The students will read various types of literature and gain an understanding about law and order throughout history. The class will wrap up the unit next week with the Trial of SpongeBob.

Mrs. Kloecker's Introduction to Computer Science students have spent the semester learning how to code using the Python programming language. Students have spent the last three weeks applying their Python skills to design and code their very own 80s-themed video games. Students then invited their peers to play their games for an arcade day because we all know that the best part about creating something is sharing it with others!

Students in Mrs. Karpinski's English classes are sharing final presentations with their classes on topics related to Romeo & Juliet.

Students in Mrs. Karpinski's English classes are sharing final presentations with their classes on topics related to Romeo & Juliet.

Erie County Technical School Student of the Month

Wellness 9 Speed Football champions.

Four FHS students attended the PMEA District 2 band at Bradford High School (Annika Biggs, Clara D'Silva, Gianni Mastrostefano and Jabin Bull). All four students placed in the top half of their sections, earning them advancement to the PMEA Region II Band. Congrats to all!!!

The CP Physics Class examines simple hormonic motion and experimentally determines amplitude, period of a spring and elastic potential energy.

Four of our AmeriCorps Youth members participated in the MLK downtown event.

The dodgeball exploratory finished and we had so much fun! The 8th grade winner was Janiyah Bennett. Aiden Doerr took the prize in 7th grade. Our 6th grade winner was Alex Young and last but not least Anson Huang claimed the prize for 5th grade. Hope to see everyone again next time! Great job everybody!

Bhavani Devineni, Theo Nacopoulos, Addison Mang, Parinita Satheesh, Ben Seyboldt, and Shaheer Essa, members of the 2025 Health & Science Academy, toured St. Vincent Hospital on January 12th. Pictured are: Shaheer in the Hoyer lift, Ben and Addison practicing CPR and bag-mask breathing, and the entire group in surgical "bunny suits".

Our Fairview Unified Bocce Team faced off against the McDowell Trojans! Our athletes and partners did a phenomenal job demonstrating team spirit, good sportsmanship, and supporting each other!

French 2 students take part in "Le jeu de voisins" (The Neighbor Game) and French Pictionary.