Students in the FMS Fashion Club have been busy with many projects this year. This past month, they created tie blankets. Some students plan to donate their creation to one of the animal shelters in Erie!

Our Chopped Champions of the week are Lauren Ferry, Issa Mansour, Anhelina Zheludkova and Axel Manelius with Ukrainian Potato Pancakes!

The Erie Experience classes are wrapping up a unit on local military history. As part of the section, the students took a tour of local historical, military locations including: the Hagen History's Wood-Morrison House, Perry's Square and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home.

Fairview School Foundation's FHS February student of the month. These students were recognized for our first pillar of ROAR, which is Respect. Congratulations!

Congratulations to the 7th and 8th grade boys indoor soccer team on winning the North East Indoor Soccer Tournament. The boys defeated Harborcreek in the final by a score of 3-2. Great job boys!

AP Seminar students took their independent books related to their research topics and turned them into BookTok-inspired must-read lists, including "The Most Eye-Opening Books of the Past Decade" and "Books that Should be Made into Documentaries."

In Mrs. Smith's 6th grade ELA, the students are practicing their grammar skills this week to get ready for their next big writing unit. They are working on simple, compound, and complex sentences to make their writing more engaging, dynamic, and polished.

College Prep Biology sophomores Janayia Lockett, Morgan Chase, Gianna Smith, and Jenna Szklenski use microscopes to study osmosis, the movement of water in and out of cells.

15 members of the FMS Roar Club served at Second Harvest Community Bank. They worked together to assemble 240 boxes of food for seniors.

These 4 students Gabe Farkas, Gianni Mastrostefano, Jabin Bull and Bhavani Devineni recently represented Fairview High School at the PMEA District 2 Jazz festival at Corry High on February 13th -14th. The students had to successfully audition in November in order to attend the festival. These 4 students placed high enough in their auditions, giving them the opportunity to attend and work with other top musicians in the style of Jazz.

So what is all the hype about?
Planets in “alignment”.
The planets in this model have been positioned to mimic how the real planets are arranged in space in our solar system. See how they are all on the same side of the Sun.
So when the Sun sets, this allows all of the planets to be visible in our dark evening sky.
They are not literally in a line, but they are all visible on one side of the Sun after sunset.
Think positively for clear evening skies over the next few days/weeks so we can have opportunities to view this once in a lifetime (or once in millennia) spectacular sight.

The College prep physics class investigates the relationship between acceleration and force and the relationship between acceleration and moving mass. Students were able to prove Newton's 2nd Law!

FHS students greeted therapy dogs Maggie (5) and Evie (3) with a big Happy Birthday! Miss Amanda, Miss Kim, Miss Robin from Chill spoiled them with lots of presents. Maggie and Evie gave out lollipops to students as they arrived.

Three of the robotic teams on the Robotics club have advanced to the State Championship from this past weekend's competition at Union City. Congratulations on their hard work!!!
Team 11921A: Project Zip Tie
Andrew Wachter
Vivian Liu
Lennon Cook
Team 11921C: Drill Bit
Nate Adams
Jackson Kleps
Chetan Satheesh
Justin Strazisar
Team 11921F: Revolutionary Robotics
Anthony Basile
Bri Anderson
Beckham Barnhill
Jared Gavio

The Fairview Robotics club had a great showing at their competition this past Saturday at Union City. All four teams made it into the playoffs and the club is coming home with 3 trophies.

Today 7th and 8th grade gifted students participated in the Four Seasons of STEM program conducted by the Regional Science Consortium. Students learned how to document shipwrecks by taking measurements used to triangulate and accurately plot points of a shipwreck. They also used grid drawings to recreate diagrams of shipwrecks. The highlight of the day was when they learned to snorkel and SCUBA dive from the instructors of Diver's World in Erie.

Gesture drawing using vine charcoal.

Last week, Ms. White's English class worked on visualization and working with poems.
Students were tasked with the activity of taking poetry and adding a scene that depicts what the poet is describing.

The AP English Literature and Composition students have nearly completed Writing Boot Camp! They are working together to peer edit their Style Analysis essays before sharing their final products with the whole class.

Pickleball: The winter session of Pickleball has ended with our 5th grade champions --Ethan Shears & Max Froehlich and 6th grade champions -- Nolan Dzurik & Carter Snoke! Great job to everyone that participated in the bracket!