FHS Sketchbook Winner of the Week
Congrats to our Marching Band for putting on a fantastic performance at the LMBA this weekend. Way to make the Tigers proud!
A big congratulations to the 8th grade Girls' Basketball team on finishing the season a perfect 24-0. Well done Coach Garrity and ladies!
FHS Accounting students had the opportunity to learn more about the accounting profession. Students met with Miranda and Alexis of McGill, Power, Bell & Associates, LLP accountants, and Mr. Niemera Fairview's Business Manager and CFO. The accountants shared their paths to the profession, what a day in the life of an accountant looks like, and their specific roles in auditing, tax accounting, and creating financial forecasts. Thank you to Miranda, Alexis, MPB, and Mr. Niemera for making the trip to FHS.
Fairview School District proudly collected 1500 pairs of socks to be donated to local charities, including the Emmaus Soup Kitchen. Thank you to all of our families who generously supported this effort.
It's always a treat for Dr. Kincade to read to the Kindergarten students. Hopefully the kids enjoy it as much as he does.
The Pink Color Fun Run was a huge success! Thanks to all who participated.
Fairview School Foundation FHS September Student of the Month
Fairview is an amazing community. This was our Amazon delivery today. Thanks to all of you who made such generous donations to a worthy cause. We will continue collecting socks for the rest of the week.
Our sock drive officially began today. We have well over 300 pairs donated already. Help us reach our goal of 2000 pairs.
Students explored new ways of moving their bodies with our brand-new railyard fitness obstacle course.
All of these movements and patterns help students explore their physical capabilities in a safe environment while increasing functional lifelong fitness and having a ton of fun!
Fairview Family:
We recently learned that our friends at Emmaus Soup Kitchen have a critical need for Men's Winter Socks. This is an opportunity for our Fairview Family to rise up and help our neighbors in need. Our goal is to provide this amazing organization with 2000 pairs of socks this month. Our Americorps volunteers will be organizing a sock drive next week. Be on the lookout for information. #DoAllThingsWithLove
Color Run registration has been extended to Wednesday, Oct. 5 to guarantee a t-shirt. Please turn your forms in to the office ASAP.
Color Fun Run registration forms should be handed in on Monday to guarantee your t-shirt. Come join us on Oct. 13 for a great family night.
Looking for Fairview gear for Christmas presents? With supply chain/inventory concerns, now is the best time to order. The link to our school store is https://stores.inksoft.com/fairviewcares/shop/home
Sign up today for the Family Fun Color Run.
Registration is due by Monday, Oct. 3.
Pink Color Fun Run coming on Oct. 13. Sign-ups are coming soon.
Mrs. Yatsko's class had a great opportunity to visit the National Guard!
The Fairview School District will be hosting a Family Fitness Night/Pink Color Fun Run on Oct 13. We are looking for t-shirt sponsors to offset the cost for our families. Please let us know if your business is interested in a $100 advertisement on the back of the t-shirt. Email Jonesmolly@fairviewschools.org for info.
Environmental science students participated in the 2022 International Coastal Cleanup on Friday, September 16. They picked up almost 30 pounds of trash, with the number one category of items collected being food wrappers.